
We are looking for volunteers to help out in several capacities. Volunteers at Game Days will receive some extra perks as follows:

Front Desk

Duties: Hands out badges to pre-registered attendees, helps walk-ins get registered, answers general questions or helps locate someone who can.

Perks: Receive 1 entry/2 hour shift worked into a drawing for a free EuroQuest 2025 or Game Days 2026 membership. Front desk area has a special table so staff can play games when the desk is not busy.

Available shifts:

9 -10Marcy/Lee MMarcy/Lee MMarcy/Lee M
10- 12Mary TMary TOpen
12 – 2OpenOpenDenise/Brian
2 – 4OpenGregGreg
4 – 6OpenGregMarcy
6 – 8OpenOpen
After 8MarcyMarcy

Game transportation

Duties: Unload games & supplies at the hotel on Thursday evening or reload games back into the van on Sunday.

Perks: Receive 2 extra entries into the Prize Drawing. 


2 people needed

Game Demos

Duties: Demo games in the showcases and match people up to play. If possible bring a copy of the game.

Perks: Receive 1 extra entry into the Prize drawing for each game taught


Patchwork, Lord of the Rings Duel, Splendor Duel, Codenames Duet, Hive, Under Grove

Game Masters for tournaments

Duties: Seat people and answer rules questions for a tournament game.

Perks: Receive 2 extra entries into the Prize drawing.


GMs needed for Azul (Friday) and Tichu (Sunday). 

Email marcy1sfc@yahoo.com to volunteer for any of these opportunities.